I am Dr. Lisa S. Wolff. I am a licensed clinical psychologist living and working in Denver, Colorado. My practice offers therapeutic services for children, adolescents, adults and families, as well as supportive parent coaching. I understand that the decision to seek help from a mental health professional can be a difficult one. From the first phone call, I will take the time to understand and help clarify your needs.
I am committed to accepting and supporting all people, regardless of their background, or life circumstances. I am an ally and welcome all gender identities and sexualities.
About Me:
When I was a new parent I frequently wondered why my child did not come home with a “How To” book from the hospital. I did not have family nearby and having to figure it all out with little guidance was no easy challenge. After surviving those difficult early years I developed a passion for supporting children and families which continues to this day. People often comment on the wisdom I have developed over the years and the compassionate and sensitive manner in which I help families to deal with the challenges life throws their way. I integrate humor and creativity into my practice which helps me to build strong therapeutic relationships with my clients and makes therapy enjoyable for both of us.
My work with children, teens, adults and parents is strength-based and rooted in the philosophy that kids and adults do well when they can. I focus on helping my clients to develop and strengthen skills which will enable them to be happier and function better with their friends and family, at school, work, and in the community. I use a combination of psychoeducation, collaborative problem-solving conversations, nonviolent communication strategies, and positive parenting approaches to help parents solve difficult behavioral challenges with their child.
A Good Fit:
I find that I can offer the best support to children and teens who are struggling with anxiety, ADHD, depression, emotion regulation, peer issues, school functioning, and gender and sexual identity exploration. Many of the youth with whom I work have been identified as gifted or twice exceptional and often have an IEP or 504 plan. Whether child or adult, my goal is to help all of my clients to appreciate their unique strengths, to develop a strong sense of who they are, and to be proud of the amazing gifts they have to offer others. Parents are an integral part of the work I do with children and an essential part of their treatment. Parent coaching, supportive guidance and psychoeducation are a few pieces of our work together. I also work with youth, adults and families facing other issues which are not listed here. I will help you to find a different therapist if you are seeking support in an area I do not cover.
Experience and Education:
I graduated from the University of Denver in 1993 with my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I worked for over 20 years as a school psychologist in Colorado providing educational support, and individual and group counseling to elementary school-age children. I have advanced training in using the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) approach developed by Ross Greene and Stuart Ablon for helping behaviorally challenged children. I provided psychoeducational instruction for educators, psychologist, and parents throughout the State of Colorado on a variety of topics including working with challenging youth, understanding ADHD and executive skill functioning, the needs of gifted and talented students, and social emotional learning. In addition to my clinical practice I was an Adjunct Instructor in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver and I currently supervise early career school psychologists for licensure.
Please call to make an appointment at my Denver office (720) 383-7378, or email lisawolff@drlisadenver.com. You may also submit your information via this form.
Chat with me
The first step is to schedule a 15-20 minute complimentary consultation with me. I will ask you some questions about your concerns in order to determine if I am the best fit for your child and family and I will give you time to ask me questions so that you can decide if I am a good match for you.

Behavior is not perfect. It is communication.
Instructor of classes for Cherry Creek School District staff and parents, 2006 - present
Use of the Collaborative Problem Solving/Think:Kids Approach
Managing ADHD in the Classroom
Working with Students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder in the Classroom
Understanding Executive Functioning in School-aged Children
Organizational Skills in School-aged Children
Guiding Good Choices for Parents of Preteens
Colorado Society of School Psychologists
National Association of School Psychologists
Clinical Psychology License #2145
Colorado School Psychology License # 0288206
Speaking engagements
Wolff, L. & Sironen, D. (2019, October). Partnering with Teachers to Create Spaces for Social Emotional Learning. Presentation to the Colorado School Counselor’s Association, Loveland, CO.
Wolff, L. & Sironen, D. (2019, January). Social Emotional Learning in the Digital Age. Presentation at the Courage to Risk Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
Wolff, L. & Boyd, K. (2018, December). Teaching Social and Emotional Skills in the 21st Century: The Time is Now. Presentation to the Colorado Association of School Boards, Colorado Springs, CO.
Wolff, L. & Sironen, D. (2018, October). Partnering with Teachers to Create Safe Spaces for Social and Emotional Learning. Presentation to the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State Conference, Keystone, CO.
Wolff, L. & Sironen, D. (2018, August). Meeting the Needs of Children with Challenging Behavior. Professional Development Staff Training, Whee Preschool, Centennial, CO.
Wolff, L. & Sironen, D. (2017, October). Regulation and Skill Development: A Neurological Approach. Presentation at the Affective Needs Conference, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L. (2017, January). School Smarts and Social Smarts: Helping Students Succeed in All Areas. Presentation to the High Plains Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, Centennial, CO.
Wolff, L. (2016, April and May). Executive Function Skills and Classroom Interventions. Presentation to the Endeavor Academy Alternative High School/Middle School staff, Centennial, CO.
Wolff, L., & Kass, K. (2015, February). Executive Function Skills and Classroom Interventions. Presentation to the Colorado Council for Learning Disabilities.
Wolff, L., & Kass, K. (2014, November). Executive Function Skills and Classroom Interventions. Presentation at the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State Conference. Beaver Creek, CO.
Wolff, L. (2014, November). Understanding the Executive Skill Development of Gifted and Talented Students. Presentation to the Challenge School Parent Teacher Organization, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L. (2014, June). Understanding the Executive Skill Development of Gifted and Talented Students.Presentation at the Cherry Creek School District Inside Out Program for Gifted and Talented Students and Parents.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., & Schippert, C. (2011, November). Think:Kids - Rethinking Kids with Challenging Behaviors Using Collaborative Problem Solving. Invited Speakers for full day pre-conference presentation at the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State Conference. Beaver Creek, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., & Schippert, C. (2011, November). Drilling Down on Kid’s Concerns. Presentation at the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State Conference. Beaver Creek, CO.
Wolff, L. (2011, October). Kids Do Well If They Can: Using the Collaborative Problem Solving/Think:Kids Approach for Solving Problems and Building Relationships with Kids of All Ages. Presentation to the Cherry Creek School District Parent Information Network, Centennial, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., & Schaubman, A. (2011, June). Tier 1 Intensive Training Workshop in the Think:Kids Approach: Working Successfully with Chronically Inflexible and Easily Frustrated Children and Adolescents. Regis University, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., & Schaubman, A. (2011, January). Working with Explosive and Non-Compliant Children Using the Collaborative Problem Solving Approach. Presentation at the Affective Needs Conference, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L. & Schaubman, A. (2008, September). Working Successfully with Chronically Inflexible, Easily Frustrated Children, 15th Annual School Social Worker Institute, Winter Park, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2008, January). Working Successfully with Chronically Inflexible, Easily Frustrated, Explosive Students: Part 1. Courage to Risk Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E. & Epstein, L. (2007, October). A New Approach to Working with Chronically Inflexible, Easily Frustrated Children. Half-day workshop at the Colorado Society of School Psychologists State Conference. Vail, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2007, July). A New Approach for Working with Chronically Inflexible, Easily Frustrated Children. Presentation at the Positive Behavior Supports Conference. Denver, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2007, February). Working Successfully with Chronically Inflexible, Easily Frustrated, Explosive Students. Full-day Training for the staff at Care/Prep Alternative Middle and High School, Centennial, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2006, February). Collaborative Problem Solving: Helping Easily Frustrated, Explosive Children. Presentation at the Courage to Risk Conference, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2005, January). Collaborative Problem Solving. Presentation at the Affective Needs Conference, Denver, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2004, December). Collaborative Problem Solving. Presentation for the SIED study group, Aurora, CO.
Wolff, L., Stetson, E., Schaubman, A., & Epstein, L. (2004, November). Collaborative Problem Solving. Presentation for the Cherry Creek Schools Mental Health Team, Aurora, CO.